College of Liberal Arts & Sciences First-Year Experience

第一年体验计划为文理学院的每位一年级学生提供了参加由大学最好的教授教授的小型研讨会的机会. Whether the seminar is Tales of Terror or American Politics, FYE学生与他们的同学和教授建立了有价值和有益的关系.

第一年体验课程专门提供给第一学期,一年级的学生. With small class sizes, FYE研讨会提供个人关注和亲密的课堂环境,使过渡到大学既易于管理又有意义.

所有FYE课程都符合文理学院的通识教育要求之一. However, the subject matter of the FYE class is not limited to Music, Literature, Science, or Sociology. 这门课也注重你的教育,它邀请你成为知识分子社区的一员.

As you learn the material of the course, 你会特别关注一些导致学业成功的基本技能, like writing and research. You'll also think, talk, and write about what it means to be a college student, so you can get the most out of your college experience. 每个研讨会都在传统课堂的边界之外工作,帮助您发现阿尔弗雷德社区的多样性和丰富性.

Each FYE class has an upper-class student acting as a "Peer Leader.“同侪领袖是由学院精心挑选出来的,作为k8彩乐园app官网下载新生的榜样和盟友. They are there to help you learn how to learn, and they can provide a valuable voice of experience as you enter into college life.

The following is a sampling of our most recent seminars.

Pop Culture Goes Global: (COMM 200)
This course examines U.S. "popular culture" and the media and their sociological, economic and political influence on cultures at home and abroad. It offers students a deeper understanding of globalization and its effect on their lives.

Playwriting: The Ten-Minute Play: (ENG 205)
这是一门为想要思考语言如何推动动作和角色如何塑造场景的学生开设的初级剧本写作课程. 我们将与表演一班的学生密切合作,这样班级成员就有机会使用即兴创作来构建他们的剧本.

Introductory Astronomy: (ASTR 103)
A general survey of astronomy including our solar system, the nature of stars, the structure of our galaxy, and finally, an examination of other galaxies, quasars and other cosmic objects.

American Politics: (POLS 110)
How does Congress work? How much influence do interest groups have? Why does the government have rules about the size of the holes in Swiss cheese? Through a study of the politics of food in the United States, 了解重要的机构和人们参与美国政治体系的方式.

Writing I: How to Avoid Lapsing into a Comma: (ENGL 101)
Through analytical, reflective, and personal writing, this course looks closely at the essay form, clear writing and organization, and research and documentation. 我们将学会对各种作品做出回应,并恭敬地引用和改写它们. Like the practice that goes into sports and music, we will be writing both in class and out, to become more alert to the energy a well-placed word or punctuation mark can create.

Writing I: Analysis in Everyday Life: (ENGL 101)
写下我们周围发生的事情是了解我们内心发生的事情的好方法. 本课程使用分析性写作作业来阐明我们日常生活中的媒体和物质对象如何表现出我们的人性. 我们的调查将提供有趣和引人入胜的方式,在大学写作过程的基础上成长:如何创建主题, develop and present ideas strategically, use sources for good effect, and write in a clear, coherent, and concise style. Students will reflect on how writing impacts their intellect.

Writing II: Writing to Extremes: (ENGL 102)
本课程提供阅读和分析关于人们走向极端的文学作品的丰富经验, from acts of violence and cruelty to noble sacrifice. Through the close reading of literary texts and the practical experience of writing, students explore rhetorical strategies, learn accepted forms of research and documentation, and deepen their responses to the written word.

Atmosphere/Human/Ecosystem: (ENVS 105)
Life forms have been influencing the nature of the atmosphere for millions of years, but in recent centuries, 人类活动造成了大气的深刻变化,现在正在影响生态系统. These include emissions that have caused acid rain, global climate change, damage to the ozone layer, and mercury pollution. 本课程将探讨人类(和其他生物群)对大气的影响以及这些变化对生态系统的影响.

Modern Western History: (HIST 111)
A survey of developments in Europe and the Western Hemisphere since the 1500s, with emphasis on the impact of ideas and ideologies (including Fascism, Nazism, and Communism), social and economic change (including industrialism), revolutions and world wars, and imperialism.

Music Appreciation: (MUSC 110)
Did you know that listening to classical music can improve academic performance? 学生们在考试前听20-30分钟的巴赫或莫扎特的音乐,实际上提高了他们在某些考试中的成绩. 音乐鉴赏教会你用心、深思地聆听各种音乐, even your own favorite bands. We’ll learn about music and composers from medieval times to the present, watch an opera, get close and comfy with Mozart and Beethoven, and even take a trip to hear a professional orchestra. Add a little “class” and music to your life!

Ethics: (PHIL 281)
Are there ways of living and habits of life that are better than others? If there are, what makes them better and who can judge this kind of thing? What is justice and what is fairness? What makes an action right or wrong? Is the answer to this question just a matter of who you are or where you live? For example, is (or, was) slavery ever right? 伦理学是哲学的一个分支,它研究这些问题以及与之相关的问题. Our readings will be both classical and contemporary.

Science that Changed the World: (SCIE 200)
本课程涵盖了人类历史上一些重大科学发现的基本科学原理. 我们将探讨这些发现(无论好坏)是如何影响人类的,以及这些发现背后的基本科学原理.

Introduction to Sociology: (SOCI 110)
As the foundation course in sociology, introduction to sociology focuses on current issues in American culture and society. 社会学研究要求学生对事物的“本来面目”不要想当然.“我们对社会学的理解将在本学期中不断增长和发展,因为我们将探索社会结构等概念, social interaction, socialization, stratification and inequality, the intersection of race, gender, and class, social change, and globalization.

Spanish I: Culture in Context: (SPAN 101)
Spanish I: Culture in Context introduces the Spanish language and cultures of the U.S., Spain, Ecuador, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Cuba by developing the skills to talk, write, read and listen about current issues of these respective countries. The four communicative skills (writing, reading, listening, and speaking) are emphasized in the classroom and in the language lab; no prior knowledge of the language is required.

Acting I: Acting Is Living!:(THEA 240)
Through study of individuals in plays, fiction, and real life, students discover ways to understand and present "the self" of characters. Exploration and development of writing, creativity, voice, and body are central. 即兴表演,与剧本写作班一起阅读,以及人物研究,都阐明了人类的行为.

每个年度研讨会将有一名同行领袖帮助学生解决学术和非学术问题. 同侪领袖是上层阶级的学生,他们支持FYE的教员,并作为研讨会参与者的导师.

Peer Leaders model classroom engagement and offer both in- and out-of-class support. They'll answer questions about academic matters or about college life generally, provide certain kinds of academic help or feedback on first-year students' work, 以小组或一对一的形式与学生会面,讨论具体的作业或一般的学习技巧, and perhaps facilitate or take an active role in a class discussion. 总的来说,同伴领袖的工作是帮助新生在非盟社区找到自己的位置.

同侪领袖由导师挑选,并在k8彩乐园app官网下载有成功的记录. 与一年级学生密切合作,让他们的生活发生真正的变化, Peer Leaders also have the opportunity to learn about curriculum development, teaching strategies, and leadership skills.

CLAS转学生计划帮助新转学生顺利过渡到k8彩乐园app官网下载. Students take the Transfer Seminar (CLAS 101) during their first semester at Alfred. As the cornerstone of the Transfer Student Program, 研讨会为学生提供了一个了解他们所加入的知识界的机会, while introducing them to campus resources that will help them succeed at Alfred.

Throughout the seminar, 学生将进一步发展核心技能,从而获得学术和专业成就. 转学生计划还促进了转学生与他们的教师和同龄人之间的指导关系.

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